From Wikipedia: Chiropractic is a health care approach and profession that emphasizes diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine, under the hypothesis that these disorders affect general health via the nervous system.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How to Choose a Chiropractor

Someone who has never been to a chiropractor before may feel overwhelmed with the task of choosing one. There is a wide variety of chiropractic techniques that may be used along with differences in philosophy and approach. If your expectations do not match up with reality that the first visit, you may never go back. And that isn't helpful.

Not all chiropractic care is the same and it is a shame when people don't take the time to find the right fit. It is just like any other health care provider. You need to find a chiropractor that fits your needs.

Here are some tips to help you choose the right chiropractor to meet your needs.

1 - Put aside the cost. It is the least important part of the consideration process. If the doctor of chiropractic is the right fit, then the cost will work itself out some how. The most important part of the chiropractic process is what happens when the chiropractor tries to align your spine. You want to be sure that you and the chiropractor are on the same page about approach, philosophy, and technique.

2 - Ask questions. You can't know what to expect if you don't ask. If you can, talk to friends who have visited chiropractors. Ask them about their experience and what their doctor of chiropractor does. Some chiropractors will "adjust" your spine by applying pressure with their hands, producing a loud noise from the joints. More gentle approaches involve using machines to tap the spine gently to coax it back into alignment. Finally, some chiropractors will let gravity do the work. I'll address the various techniques in more depth in later posts.

3 - Discuss the management style of any chiropractor you are considering. There are different approaches including symptom relief, rehabilitative treatment, long term preventative treatment, or long term corrective treatment. The case management style of your chiropractor will determine how frequently you need to get adjusted and for how long.

4 - Determine your treatment goal. Do you want to feel better "for now" or are you looking for more corrective and preventative care? Neither approach is right or wrong, they are just different.

5 - Conduct a phone interview or make an office visit to get your answers. A chiropractor who will take the time to help you choose them is more likely to be a good fit than one who brushes you off.

It can be an effort to find the chiropractor with the best fit. But, taking the time to carefully select the right one will have tremendous benefits.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Back Pain is NOT Normal

The vast majority of adults have complained about an aching back at some point in their life. Most of these people just accept it as a fact of life and deal.

Maybe they pop a pain pill. Or purchase a new pillow. These are just temporary fixes to a larger problem. Even replacing your mattress or buying a new chair for their office can not fix a problem that may have been building for years. Once a subluxation has begun, there is only one way to fix it - by being adjusted.

There are as many causes of back pain as there are people experiencing back pain. One of the most severe causes of back pain is a herniated disk. The pain from a herniated disk can be debilitating.

Not all back pain is this sever though. Sometimes the greatest pain is felt in other parts of the body. This is all because the spine is not able to get messages from the brain to the affected area efficiently. Pain and inflammation are the two most common signs of this condition.

While chiropractic care is not a treatment for anything, the benefits of adjusting to remove interference can provide symptom relief as the body is able to properly communicate with itself. This website is not intended to replace the care of a credentialed Doctor of Chiropractic. Please contact our office to schedule a consultation and learn more about how chiropractic care can improve your quality of life. Chiropractor Tyler, Texas

Monday, June 28, 2010

Helping You Understand Chiropractic Care

Many people misunderstand chiropractic care. They think that all chiropractors want to do is crack your back and bust open your wallet. This simply is not true. I have never met a chiropractor who was more interested in making money than he or she was interested in helping people. Of course, we need to make a living, but we choose to do it by helping others improve their own life.

Chiropractic care should be thought of as a compliment to traditional western medicine. It does not cure disease, but it does allow the body to communicate within itself better. We literally offer a "hands on" approach to healing as opposed to a "pills down your throat" approach. After all, chiropractic is a Greek term meaning “Treatment by Hand”.

Realistically, for many people, chiropractic care is more conservative than traditional medicine. It involves no drugs or invasive behaviors and depending on your personal situation, you may begin feeling significant improvements immediately. It isn't about just having a healthy spine. It is about having a healthy body.

While chiropractic care is not a treatment for anything, the benefits of adjusting to remove interference can provide symptom relief as the body is able to properly communicate with itself. This website is not intended to replace the care of a credentialed Doctor of Chiropractic. Please contact our office to schedule a consultation and learn more about how chiropractic care can improve your quality of life. Chiropractor Tyler, Texas

Saturday, June 26, 2010

How to Take Short Breaks

A recent commentor asked, "Can you please suggest how to be more strict on taking short breaks?!"

I sure can.

This is something that everyone can do, but I understand it requires some discipline. If you are new to scheduling mental breaks in your day, I would start simply by adding it to your calendar. If you use an online calendar this will be really easy for you. Just add a 5 minute mental break and set it to pop-up and remind you. That way, when you get the pop-up reminder, you have to make a choice. Are you going to ignore it and keep working, or will you get up from your desk, stretch, and think happy thoughts?

Another tip is to keep something you enjoy nearby. If soduko is pleasurable for you, then keep a book at the top of your to do pile and work on a new puzzle for 5 minutes. Or, if you enjoy meditation, keep a soft music CD in your computer that you can easily start playing while you lean back in your chair or stretch out on the floor.

Alternatively, you can find a repetitive activity in your daily routine and promise yourself a break if you can do it for 20 solid minutes. This will both motivate you to get the repetitive job done, and reward you with the mental break you deserve.

Taking short breaks throughout the day really is a lifestyle choice. Research has shown that people who have a variety of mental activities throughout the day are less likely to get Alzheimer's.

How do you remember to take breaks every day?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

New Recipe for Homemade Hummus

Hummus is a great summer time food. It doesn't require heating up a stove and it is highly portable. Hummus goes great with crackers, veggies, pitas, or most other savory snack foods.

Here is my basic recipe, adapted from many trials.

  • 1 can chick peas, reserving half of the liquid
  • 1/4 c. tahini (ground sesame paste)
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 1/4 tsp. cumin powder (optional)

Using a small blender (like a magic bullet or food processor), blend all ingredients until smooth. It will likely be pretty thick. If its too thick, add a drop more liquid.You should refrigerate it, but it can sit out for a while at a picnic without too much worry. You can also add pinenuts, roasted red pepper, or jalapenos for a different flavor profile

Of course, it probably won't stick around long anyway! What is your favorite way to eat hummus?

(Image courtesy of

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Infertility and Chiropractic Care

Families struggling with infertility know a special kind of pain. It really isn't something that fertile couples can fully understand. Fortunately, there is mounting evidence that chiropractic care can improve a woman's chances of conceiving.

Kelly Burgess is a senior contributing writer for iParenting Media recently shared the following at ,
"Peristaltic motion is a term that describes muscular function controlled by our autonomous nervous system," he says. "If you look at where the uterus is, an egg has to go down a little tube and is propelled via peristaltic motion. If it happens to be fertilized but there is insufficient peristaltic motion, it cannot be delivered to the uterus."

Furthermore, Dr. Painter says, in theory, if this peristaltic motion is so disturbed that it backs up and delivers uterine tissue into the abdominal cavity or onto the ovaries, it can result in endometriosis. He knows of at least five studies where women who were close to being surgical candidates because of endometriosis ultimately found relief in chiropractic care. 
 If you have been struggling with infertility, come in and talk to us.

While chiropractic care is not a treatment for anything, the benefits of adjusting to remove interference can provide symptom relief as the body is able to properly communicate with itself. This website is not intended to replace the care of a credentialed Doctor of Chiropractic. Please contact our office to schedule a consultation and learn more about how chiropractic care can improve your quality of life. Chiropractor Tyler, Texas

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Reducing Stress to Ease Pain

There are many things that can cause pain in our bodies. Some of them are physical like broken bones. Some of them are chemical, such as hormonal imbalances. And some of them are mental, in that we can work ourselves up so that our body deals with stress through physical pain.

Before I go on though, let me stop and say that I am NOT saying that diseases like fibromyalgia are in your head. I would never say that. Generally speaking though, I want all of my patients to learn how to deal with stress in ways that reduce the physical symptoms of stress.

It is easy to google stress reduction tips and find ways to make your life flow better. I am not interested in sharing tips with you that you can just as easily find on Google. But there are a few things that I've done in my own life that help me, and those are what I want to share with you.

First, make yourself a priority. This isn't about vanity folks. This is about being healthy so you can be there 100% for the people around you. Learn how to say no artfully so that you don't feel guilt because you can't take on another regular obligation.

Second, use your time wisely. I know there are many time management systems and each one reaches to people with various gifts and learning styles. What they all boil down to though, is that they ask you to choose the things each day that must be done, the things that ought to be done, and the things that can be done tomorrow. Then devote an appropriate amount of time to each of them.

Third, schedule relaxation. Start small by planning a 5 minute mental break once a day. Build up to longer or more frequent breaks (make sure you get your job done though!). Then, start planning mental health days or long weekend vacations. Remember, relaxation doesn't just happen. We have to plan for it.

How do you reduce the stress in your life?

While chiropractic care is not a treatment for anything, the benefits of adjusting to remove interference can provide symptom relief as the body is able to properly communicate with itself. This website is not intended to replace the care of a credentialed Doctor of Chiropractic. Please contact our office to schedule a consultation and learn more about how chiropractic care can improve your quality of life. Chiropractor Tyler, Texas

Monday, June 21, 2010

4 Summer Safety Tips for Your Family

Summer is a great time of year. There is no homework stress, sports leagues are limited, and there is more daylight to play in. But with all of this comes some extra safety responsibility. I've put together some simple reminders to keep your family safe while you enjoy all that June, July, and August have to offer.

1 - Stay hydrated. The body is over 80% water and we need to constantly be replenishing the supply, particularly in the heat of the summer. Cornell University offers great tips on how to stay hydrated, the easiest one though is to drink until your urine is pale yellow or clear. If you are doing that, then you are properly hydrated. Make sure the babies and toddlers drink up too.

2 - Teach pool safety. Swim lessons are not drowning prevention. If you will be around a pool this summer, whether it is your own, a friend's, or a relative's, then make sure your kids know the rules. A good rule of thumb is you should be no more than 20 seconds away from your kids any time a pool or other body of water is near by. Always agree with the other available adults who will specifically be responsible for monitoring the pool.

3 - Pool safety isn't just for kids though - make sure the adults know the rules too. No drinking and swimming. These two things just don't mix. And obviously, I mean the adult beverages. I want you to drink water to stay hydrated. Alcohol is dehydrating and will impair your judgment.

4 - Be aware of firework danger. Most states only allow you to buy "fireworks" that stay on the ground. It is best to leave the big sky fireworks to the professionals. They are properly equipped to handle loose works or to control damages. No matter what you do, remember to keep either a fire extinguisher handy or a really large bucket of water.

I know there are so many more things you can do to keep your summer safe, but I couldn't possibly list them all here. What tips do you have to keep your family safe this summer?

While chiropractic care is not a treatment for anything, the benefits of adjusting to remove interference can provide symptom relief as the body is able to properly communicate with itself. This website is not intended to replace the care of a credentialed Doctor of Chiropractic. Please contact our office to schedule a consultation and learn more about how chiropractic care can improve your quality of life. Chiropractor Tyler, Texas

Friday, June 18, 2010

3 Tips to Live Safely - Fall Prevention

Being seen regularly by a chiropractor is only one way to live a healthy life. It is also important to follow certain safety procedures at home so you might live life to the fullest.

I recently read a blog post from another chiropractor and wanted to share some of my own ideas about being safe and protecting your family an everyday common accident - falling.

First, hold tightly onto wiggly babies. Did  you know that nearly 50% of babies are dropped on their head prior to their first birthday? These falls happen to conscientious parents who mean well. But wiggly babies can move quickly. Always make sure you have a firm grip on your baby and avoid trying to do too much while you hold your sweet bundle of joy. And babies falling out of loving arms aren't the only kind of falls we need to protect against.

Second, ensure your children wear proper protective gear while skating,  riding bicycles, skateboards, or other toys on wheels. A fall at riding speeds is more dangerous than a simple trip over the shoelaces (but make sure they are tied tight!). Many states require minors wear helmets while bicycling as a way to ensure our children are better protected. (See this list for details -

Unfortunately, Texas does not have a law requiring helmets, so it might take some convincing to get your child to wear one even when their peers aren't.

Third, practice stair safety. There is no age limit at which we can stop paying attention on the stairs. If you have small children, make sure their access to the stairs is limited to times when parents or other responsible caregivers can supervise them. For older children and adults this is still important. Try not to go up or down the stairs carrying too many items. I personally find it helpful to count the steps so I know when I am at the top or bottom of the stairs.

All falls can cause you to become out of alignment, even small ones. If you do fall, you should consider seeing your chiropractor for an extra visit. Obviously though, if you have injuries that require emergency care, do that first.

What tips or suggestions do you have to prevent falls?

While chiropractic care is not a treatment for anything, the benefits of adjusting to remove interference can provide symptom relief as the body is able to properly communicate with itself. This website is not intended to replace the care of a credentialed Doctor of Chiropractic. Please contact our office to schedule a consultation and learn more about how chiropractic care can improve your quality of life. Chiropractor Tyler, Texas

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic Care

The effect of chiropractic care on fibromyalgia pain has been debated for many years, but that debate is among academics and insurance companies. Patients with fibromyalgia who have received spinal adjustments don't debate it. Many people diagnosed with fibromyalgia have experienced some level of relief when receiving regular spinal adjustments.

Spinal Universe has a very good article on how this condition paired with chiropractic care is treated by the insurance companies. Dr. Lowe writes,
I'd just completed a year-long study that suggests his objection [the independent medical examiner] is nonsense. In the study, I repeatedly adjusted a subject's C5-C6 cervical segments. This dramatically reduced the irritability of her infraspinatus trigger points.1 (The infraspinatus, of course, is innervated by C5-C6.)

The irritability of my subject's trigger points reduced gradually -- under the influence of a series of cervical adjustments. We found that the more frequent the adjustments, the more dramatic the relief from trigger point irritability. This study has an important implication: Repeatedly adjusting any fixated part of the spine may reduce the irritability of trigger points in muscles innervated by that part of the spine.
Have you experienced any relief from fibromyalgia pain through chiropractic care? If so, let us know about it by leaving a comment. I believe that personal testimony is one of the most powerful tools for spreading knowledge about how chiropractic care can help people. 
While chiropractic care is not a treatment for anything, the benefits of adjusting to remove interference can provide symptom relief as the body is able to properly communicate with itself. This website is not intended to replace the care of a credentialed Doctor of Chiropractic. Please contact our office to schedule a consultation and learn more about how chiropractic care can improve your quality of life. Chiropractor Tyler, Texas

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Failure to Thrive and Chiropractic Care

A baby diagnosed with "failure to thrive" may experience a lifestyle improvement through chiropractic care. According to the National Institute of Health, "failure to thrive is a description applied to children whose current weight or rate of weight gain is significantly below that of other children of similar age and sex."

Parents whose children have been labeled "failure to thrive" have every right to be concerned. The causes of failure to thrive are varied and range from genetic disorders to neglect. In any case, chiropractic care can improve the brain's ability to communicate with the limbs and organs.

In the US, birth has become a traumatic event for most women as they are forced to labor on their back. This prevents gravity from helping them deliver their precious baby boy or girl and can lead to subluxations in the spine even before Mom has a chance to hold her new baby.

For children, the primary adjustment is to the atlas, which is the top vertebrae in the neck. Experienced Doctors of Chiropractic use the least amount of pressure possible to make the adjustment. The pressure in the pinky fingers is enough to make an adjustment on a baby. It should not cause pain to the baby though they may make a face when it happens the first few times until they get used to it.

If you or someone you know has a baby with a failure to thrive diagnosis, please bring them in so we can take a look and help them get started on a path of healthy living.

While chiropractic care is not a treatment for anything, the benefits of adjusting to remove interference can provide symptom relief as the body is able to properly communicate with itself. This website is not intended to replace the care of a credentialed Doctor of Chiropractic. Please contact our office to schedule a consultation and learn more about how chiropractic care can improve your quality of life. Chiropractor Tyler, Texas

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Can Blood Pressure be Affected by Chiropractic Care?

Yes! Chiropractic care can improve your blood pressure. A 2007 study demonstrated that upper neck adjustments are just a effective at lowering blood pressure as two-drug combination therapy.

The researchers in the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Rush University Hypertension Center in Chicago, IL hypothesized that restricted movement in the upper cervical spine caused decreased blood flow to the brain stem. As a result, the body compensates by increasing the blood pressure to ensure the brain stem gets the needed blood. Chiropractic correction of the upper neck allows the blood pressure to return healthy levels.

The 2007 study followed 50 people with high blood pressure for 8 weeks. The top number (systolic blood pressure) dropped an average of 17 points and the bottom number (diastolic blood pressure) fell an average of 10 points. Those results are no better than you could expect had you taken a combination drug for the same 8 week period! And you did not have to add any chemicals to your body.

Link to the study.

This website is not intended to replace the care of a credentialed Doctor of Chiropractic. Please contact our office to schedule a consultation and learn more about how chiropractic care can improve your quality of life. Chiropractor Tyler, Texas

Monday, June 14, 2010

Can You Benefit From Chiropractic Care?

 Chiropractic care is widely misunderstood. People have all sorts of preconceived notions about what chiropractors do and how they can improve one's health. Really though, chiropractic care is the health care profession that focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health.

Common complaints treated by a chiropractor include back pain, neck pain, pain in the joints of the arms or legs, and headaches. There are other health challenges that may experience improvement with chiropractic treatment. These might include infertility, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, failure to thrive, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, asthma, fibromyalgia, stress, autism, ADHD, or sciatica.

The spine carries the body's system for communicating with the body - the spinal cord. When a person experiences subluxations (a partial or complete dislocation of a joint), the spinal cord is unable to properly send and receive messages to and from the brain. After a thorough evaluation, a chiropractor will use the tools of chiropractic care (which we will discuss later) to gently coax the vertebrae back into alignment.

This website is not intended to replace the care of a credentialed Doctor of Chiropractic. Please contact our office to schedule a consultation and learn more about how chiropractic care can improve your quality of life. Chiropractor Tyler, Texas