From Wikipedia: Chiropractic is a health care approach and profession that emphasizes diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine, under the hypothesis that these disorders affect general health via the nervous system.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Failure to Thrive and Chiropractic Care

A baby diagnosed with "failure to thrive" may experience a lifestyle improvement through chiropractic care. According to the National Institute of Health, "failure to thrive is a description applied to children whose current weight or rate of weight gain is significantly below that of other children of similar age and sex."

Parents whose children have been labeled "failure to thrive" have every right to be concerned. The causes of failure to thrive are varied and range from genetic disorders to neglect. In any case, chiropractic care can improve the brain's ability to communicate with the limbs and organs.

In the US, birth has become a traumatic event for most women as they are forced to labor on their back. This prevents gravity from helping them deliver their precious baby boy or girl and can lead to subluxations in the spine even before Mom has a chance to hold her new baby.

For children, the primary adjustment is to the atlas, which is the top vertebrae in the neck. Experienced Doctors of Chiropractic use the least amount of pressure possible to make the adjustment. The pressure in the pinky fingers is enough to make an adjustment on a baby. It should not cause pain to the baby though they may make a face when it happens the first few times until they get used to it.

If you or someone you know has a baby with a failure to thrive diagnosis, please bring them in so we can take a look and help them get started on a path of healthy living.

While chiropractic care is not a treatment for anything, the benefits of adjusting to remove interference can provide symptom relief as the body is able to properly communicate with itself. This website is not intended to replace the care of a credentialed Doctor of Chiropractic. Please contact our office to schedule a consultation and learn more about how chiropractic care can improve your quality of life. Chiropractor Tyler, Texas


  1. This is a great blog post. . It's really nice and
    informative post. Thanks so much.

  2. thanks so much for this great article , the benefit of chiropractic well be the best if its combined with physical therapy

  3. This is a must-read post for parents especially for moms. Every parent should not and never neglect failure to thrive and if ever they had neglected it, at least they should learn the chiropractic care treatment. I will be buzzing this up and I hope you don't mind it. I really want every parent to read this. :)

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  9. Children born with birth defects is becoming more & more common these days. I blame a lot of it on drugs, food additives and pollution, but either way, this "failure to thrive" thing must be rare because a lot of babies I see today, are actually overweight like the majority of the people in this country.

  10. Many people wouldn't consider Chiropractic care take care of youngsters. However, the simple fact is, youngsters are very, very vulnerable to misalignments from the spine. Their spinal vertebrae aren't fully created, nor are their ligaments and tendons fully increased. This, together with the truth that a young child falls enough occasions per day to hospitalize a grownup, causes it to be obvious children ought to be examined with a chiropractic specialist for spine irregularities.

  11. Wow... this is the first time I learn of failure to thrive at babies! Why is this not made more public? I think every to be mom should know about it!

  12. This is very significant blog.Really i enjoy with your blog.

  13. It was interesting to read your post "Failure to Thrive and Chiropractic Care." It doesn't hurt to also detox your liver using milk thistle extract, especially if you take a lot of medication or drink too much alcohol.

  14. Very useful article, you really should start writing more about chiropractic.

  15. Great article!
    "Failure is the key to success" very nicely said!

  16. This is such an interesting article. I was really small and underweight as a kid and interestingly enough underwent chiropractic care.

  17. Nice Article. It's quite useful in my work. Keep sharing.

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  18. No doubt, a chiropractic care is a must! Not only it feels great after treatment, but the life of the patient will definitely improve.

  19. Amazing info you gave here! This proves that a chiropractor is a must in everybody's life.

  20. I believe that the cause it's the lack of vitamins... and in my opinion... I'd rather have a slim baby than a fat one!

  21. The word/ feeling failure must not exist in one's life/ vocabulary

  22. In such scenario you have to be more patient.

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